On a recent Montel Williams Show he presented some very interesting information about a Chiropractic cervical adjustment he'd experienced only 12 days before. It was obvious to all of his viewers that the Chiropractic work had gone very well an that his life was immediately changed by the results.
Here is what Montel said on the show regarding his condition and his treatment success:
"I'm not certain because I haven't done the scientific research on it to know if this can work for everybody else out there, but I want to tell you I suffer from MS. I have extreme neuralgic pain in the lower extremities; I'm in pain 14 hours a day seven days a week, 365 days a year and then I go to see this doctor (Dr Patrick Kerr D.C.). I've had pain in my feet. I've struggled with my balance, so Dr. Erica (Schwartz, an M.D and patient advocate who appeared on the show) sent me to see (Dr. Kerr) 12 days ago.
"There's not a person that knows me who will not confirm this, if you just ask them, everybody who sees me. I am walking differently, pain is less, I have already regained strength in my left leg, my left leg has dropped because I found out that my pelvis was tilted, it's dropped back down, they are now the same length. It's the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me."
Dr. Kerr has his practice in New York City. He is a graduate of Life Chiropractic College. "The goal of all Chiropractic Care is to reduce the pressure on the nerves, thereby allowing the body to function normally--without pain," Dr. Kerr said during the broadcast.
It's going to be most interesting to learn more about Montel's condition and his continued developments during the next several months. He will likely continue on his path of improvement and recovery from his condition for some time. It will also be interesting to see if the symptoms of his MS continue to abate and if, in reality, he truly had MS or simply a cervical subluxation (partial dislocation of a vertebra in the neck region) that was indeed the cause of his long term condition.
Chiropractic has been known to help alleviate symptoms from numerous conditions including; sinus and headache pain and pressure, pms, low back pain, neck pain and dozens of other debilitating health issues.