Monday, October 27, 2008

Exercise Motivation

Have you really looked at your calendar lately? yes, the holidaze are really approaching and fast! I know it seems like they were just here. Worried about letting yourself go? Gaining weight? Feeling tired? Would you like some energy?
Well I know where you're coming from. Stress from work, projects, family commitments, etc., can be draining. Don't beat yourself up. I like to reward myself but within reason. Dangling a carrot, ok, maybe a brownie, can motivate you as well, or a new outfit. 
Start by drinking water. Water helps detox the body, cleanses your system to a degree, hydrates you and keeps your appearance youthful. Water has many benefits, nutritious as well as therapeutic.
Eliminate coffee, soda and other drinks with no nutritional value, and often more harmful. I know this is hard, I too have to give up Dr. Pepper, and some day soon, I will. 
My Jeep was in the shop today, again. so I took advantage of the opportunity to ride my bike. I think I rode about six miles. By incorporating activities into your routine, you will build up energy and endurance. Look around for an activity you enjoy such as bike riding, paddling, volleyball, softball, thanks to the internet and the thousands of blueways and greenways, rails to trails, (West Orange Trail) we are blessed with outlets to enjoy the sunshine, beautiful views and maybe some new friends to embark on adventurous journeys together.
I find if I'm sitting in front of the tv, I will get off my lazy butt and do some sit ups, push ups, some floor exercises to get my blood moving. I have a "core ball" in my room, I like to use to help me with my core muscles. I also enjoy yoga and pilates. 
More on this soon.
Remember, start with some water, throw in a few jumping jacks, hop on a bike and go for a sightseeing tour in your own neighborhood. And before you know it, you are burning calories and building bone density.
I've heard that if you move around, or fidget, you tend to burn more calories. See you on the trails!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

West Orange Warriors

I believe they are playing with their hearts. Our high school football team just can't seem to win on the scoreboard. But we know they are winners regardless. They play whole-heartedly. They listen to their Coach, Tim Smith.