Monday, February 23, 2009

Repetitive Injuries Awareness Day (holiday!)

Repetitive Strain Injuries Awareness Day - The Last Day in February.
Repetitive strain injuries are the damage that we cause ourselves by doing the same activity over and over again. Typing and moving a mouse around can cause carpal tunnel syndrome - a type of repetitive injury. But any motion that you do over and over again without a break can result in physical injury - that could mean office work, bending, lifting, swinging a hammer, operating a piece of machinery - even walking! But there are some steps you can take to prevent repetitive strain injuries - and that's what this holiday is all about.
Is your workspace laid out ergonomically? You should be able to sit with your feet flat on the floor, thighs are parallel to the floor and back is supported. Your neck should be straight, arms held in a comfortable position and nothing should hurt.
Take a few minutes every once in a while to stretch. Walk around, flex your wrists, circle your neck, roll your shoulders, touch your toes - work out the kinks. Make it a habit to include lots of different motion in your day to avoid injury.
Pay attention to your body, and rest when you need to. Any kind of work can lead to exhaustion, then strain and injury - even sitting at a desk. Don't wait until you are hurt to take  a time out- build regular breaks into your day.


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