Friday, November 28, 2008

Enjoy a Hike

    After your mouthwatering turkey, dressing and all the delicious accompaniments, including the pies, enjoy the outdoors. Visit a park in your area, or a little further away. Take a hike at a local state or county preserve, you'll be amazed at what you will find. Enjoy geocaching, learning about habitats and animals. My local parks offer eco-saturdays. I love stopping in to learn about bats, or plants, counting the various birds they can spot and just watching the kids as they learn how to use a gps. Go online to find parks you might enjoy, some offer swimming, canoe or kayak rentals. Breath real fresh air, revitalize your body and mind. You'll come away refreshed! This is a great way to spend quality time together, or alone and its also inexpensive. Don't forget sunscreen and water. Take your camera to shoot a few great photos to send to friends, post them (flickr and other great outlets), print them! Remember, leave only footprints.  Visit:

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